Broken Karaoke is a series of (typically) 2-minute shorts, produced by Disney's social media, and occasionally featured on the Disney Channel. In these shorts, characters from various animated Disney Channel series sing parodies of a variety of songs, commonly those from live-action Disney Channel series and films, but occasionally some licensed songs as well. The series begun in late 2019 with "Queen of Nice" by Tilly Green of Big City Greens, the song being a parody of "Queen of Mean" from Descendants 3.
While Hamster & Gretel has not gotten a Broken Karaoke short of its own yet, characters from Hamster & Gretel did make appearances in two shorts. First, in "Born to be Strange" on July 29, 2023, a parody of "Born to Be Brave" from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, performed by Tilly Green, celebrating the strangeness of several characters, including Hamster and Gretel themselves. Second, in "Evil As Can Be" on October 7, 2023, a parody of "I'm Finally Me" from ZOMBIES 3, performed by Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, as well as Darcy and King Andrias from Amphibia, the song being a tribute to a variety of villains from the animated Disney Channel series and including Professor Exclamation, FistPuncher and The Destructress.