Hamster & Gretel Wiki
Hamster & Gretel Wiki

Lauren (also known as The Destructress) is a reformed antagonist in Hamster & Gretel. She and her twin brother Lyle (who goes by the name FistPuncher) have received superpowers from the same aliens that bestowed Hamster and Gretel with superpowers. However, instead of using them for good, the aliens specifically instructed them to use them for evil, which Lauren and Lyle willingly comply to.

Lauren is self-absorbed and obsessed with social media, as is evidenced by the fact that as The Destructress, she tends to livestream on any occasion she and her brother decide to wreak havoc. She and Lyle don't always see eye to eye, as the twin siblings tend to get into fights constantly.

Physical appearance[]

Lauren is tall and thin, with fair skin, and a long pointy nose. Her hair is a chestnut brown, that cut into a bob which ends at the middle of her neck and bangs that part down the middle. She has round dark brown eyes with singular eyelashes, and medium brows. Her hair is done slightly differently in "The Bitter Sitter", wearing two short pigtails with magenta scrunchies.

In her civilian form (unless on specific occasions or episodes like "Saturday Homecoming Fever"), Lauren wears a plain white beanie, along with a white, elbow length sleeved V-neck shirt. She also wears a high-waisted, button-up magenta skirt, gray mid-calf socks, and desaturated pink sneakers with white accents, as well as a silver beaded bracelet on her left wrist. Her casual outfit is slightly different in "The Bitter Sitter", opting for a plain white sweater and a brown skirt.

In her villain form, Lauren wears a dark blue mask that goes up into two large, curved horns, with a triangle of orange going down the middle, and the shape of another mask in lighter blue around her eyes. Her top is orange, and has no sleeves, and instead she wears blue and orange gloves. Her cape is medium blue that acts as the collar of her top that flairs up. She also wears dark blue shorts with a slit on the side of the legs and are held up by a yellow and orange belt. She has dark blue sneakers, with lighter blue and yellow accents.

Click here to view a full list of outfits and designs for Lauren throughout the series.


Lauren is nothing short of the typical female teen bully, willing to ruin the fun and life of others. Such as not hesitating when it comes to actually using her new powers for evil, and even before that, getting annoyed that she was unable to ruin another girl's life through text after her and Lyle's van broke down. She is also not averse to treating her brother negatively, with both of them being competitive with each other, and her being fine with punching him in the arm, so he would listen to her.

That said, Lauren is also the more responsible of the two twin siblings, as she thinks more thoroughly about her actions, unlike Lyle. Additionally, instead of robbing someone and getting caught instantly, Lauren starts a babysitting gig to earn her income. As a babysitter, Lauren shows a much nicer side and wants to make sure her charges are being treated well.

As The Destructress, Lauren often makes social media posts and vlogs to keep her morally dubious fans up-to-date. She also insists that the "The" in "The Destructress" is part of her name, and gets annoyed when people simply call her "Destructress" without the "The".

Powers and abilities[]

Both Lauren and her brother have been given superpowers similar to those of Hamster and Gretel, including the following:

  • Flight - Both Lyle and Lauren are able to fly in the air and remain airborne in place.
  • Super-strength - Both of the twin villains are able to lift and throw super-heavy objects like freighters and cranes. Between the two of them, Lauren and Lyle can lift up to 156 tons (in weight), a mere one ton short of how much Hamster and Gretel could lift.
  • Instant costume change - It's been shown that Lauren and Lyle can change from their regular outfit to their supervillain costumes in an instant.


Lauren and Lyle both received their powers at the same time, and were told to use their powers for evil. They decided to make their debut by attacking the docks, defeating and trapping Hamster and Gretel when they showed up. However, Kevin tricked them into releasing Hamster and Gretel from their trap through a sibling rivalry contest, resulting in their defeat and imprisonment.

The Destructress and FistPuncher eventually punched their way out of prison. After seeing a high school homecoming dance on social media, The Destructress suggested they celebrate their freedom by destroying the dance. As they began to trash the dance, Kevin and Hiromi challenged the duo to a dance battle, with the former winning the battle. Unfortunately, The Destructress and FistPuncher decided to destroy the dance anyway. However, Hamster and a haunted disco ball showed up, defeating them once more.

Later, a U.F.O. attacked while the Grant-Gomez family was vacationing in Las Vegas. Gretel attacked the U.F.O.; however, once she arrived, it captured her and immediately left. The U.F.O. was revealed to be piloted by The Destructress and FistPuncher , who had stolen it from Area 51. They trapped Gretel in a glass chamber with a rock that drains her superpowers and said they would use the ship to destroy the Las Vegas dam. However, Hamster and Armor Suit Guy arrived. Hamster defeated FistPuncher and The Destructress, while Kevin freed Gretel. Together, Hamster and Gretel saved the dam.

Over two weeks passed, and Lauren decided to become a babysitter in order to earn money legally. She babysat Gretel and Bailey while their parents were at a murder mystery theater show. However, her brother ended up trapped in a freezer at the Human-Shaped Ice Pop Factory on an ill-conceived plan to smash the Hamster and Gretel People-Pops and their molds. To free him, Lauren drove Gretel and Bailey to the factory and got her brother out, along with some ice pops for her charges. However, Superhero Gretel showed up, and defeated both of them. The Destructress told Superhero Gretel that she was currently on a babysitting job, and convinced her of her innocence. Gretel realized that The Destructress was Lauren, and decided to let her go. Unfortunately, she also freed her brother, who stole the molds. Bailey went after him, tripping him and grabbing the molds. When FistPuncher caught up to her, Lauren tackled him and trapped him back in the freezer, promising to break him out later. Despite knowing that she was The Destructress, Gretel and Bailey both told their parents that she was the best babysitter they ever had.

Because of this, Lauren would be asked to babysit again when Kevin and Gretel were having a pillow war, with her being recruited to be on Kevin's side. However, this happened to coincide with her half-birthday with her brother. Lyle was heartbroken when she said she was busy, and decided to crash the war as FistPuncher with a giant pillow. The Destructress flew up to stop him, but after they talked out their feelings, Lauren realized how hurt Lyle was that they couldn't spend the day together. After they were knocked into a faraway billboard by Hamster and Gretel, she promised him that they could celebrate their half birthday after her babysitting job was over for the day. They talked about their feelings, and Lauren realized how hurt he had felt that they weren't able to spend time together that day. She told him they could celebrate their half birthday after she was done babysitting.

Over two months later, Professor Exclamation asked her and FistPuncher to show him the rock that had blocked Gretel's powers. They began to assist his plan to destroy Hamster and Gretel. They delivered a message to them while the latter were receiving the key to the city, then held the audience hostage along with Professor Exclamation's army of robots. The Destructress threw out sledgehammers for the people to help destroy City Hall. When they asked Professor Exclamation what they would be getting out of this, he told them they could have Secaucus, New Jersey. However, when he told them to attack a powerless Gretel, The Destructress hesitated, and only carried on when FistPuncher said not to ruin it. They were defeated by a giant Hamster ball and Bailey, who used CopyCat's hairball gun.

Months later, The Destructress was getting sick of doing evil. When they went to see Dr. Carter for therapy, she told them to try doing good for a few hours and report back. The Destructress gladly went along, and felt better than she had felt in months. FistPuncher reluctantly tried, but did a horrible job and felt gross afterwards. FistPuncher went to rob a bank to pay Dr. Carter for the therapy session, while The Destructress tried to stop him. She told him she was going to hang up her cape so she could live a normal teenager life, thus Footkicker becomes FistPuncher's new partner-in-crime.








Kevin Grant-Gomez[]



Click here to view more images from Lauren.
Click here to view the image gallery for Lauren.

List of appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Shorts and spinoffs[]


  • The Destructress is the first female supervillain to be introduced in the show.
  • Her middle name is "Ruth," as revealed in "The Great Pillow War" and "Evil Upheaval."
  • She is older than Lyle by 3 minutes.[2]

