Hamster & Gretel Wiki
Hamster & Gretel Wiki
Hamster & Gretel Wiki

Short Burger was a fast-food burger establishment from the episode "Micromanager". The restaurant established itself as a fierce rival to the neighboring Tall Burger, complete with its motto being "Tall Burger must be destroyed", as its founder, Micromanager, used to work at Tall Burger as Joe before accidentally shrinking himself and being fired for being difficult to work with. The restaurant commonly hired teenagers and encourages rivalries between them to ensure work is being done to outdo Tall Burger, with Micromanager keeping his appearance concealed from them as he ordered his employees around through intercom, only calling them by number rather than name. Unbeknownst to said employees, the establishment was also used as a front to construct parts of a giant robot suit which Micromanager planned to literally destroy Tall Burger with, his ultimate goal.

In "Micromanager", Kevin managed to get a job at Short Burger, and meets Anthony there for the first time. There, they are being tasked to construct "frying machines" (in reality, the final parts for the giant robot suit, its feet). Once completed, the two learn the truth about Micromanager and his goals, the latter immediately proceeding with his plans to destroy Talk Burger with the now-completed Macromanager, before ultimately being thwarted by a rather tired Hamster and Gretel, resulting in the total destruction of the Short Burger restaurant from a toppled Macromanager. Given the literal destruction of the establishment and it being the front of a now-defeated supervillain, it's likely that Short Burger has ceased operations and closed down since.


