Hamster & Gretel Wiki
Hamster & Gretel Wiki

Hiromi's Stress Ball appears as the central antagonist in the episode "Stress Brawl". It initially appears as a harmless rubber stress toy for Hiromi to squeeze whenever she feels stressed, but, after she loses the toy, it has been granted superpowers by the same aliens that gave Hamster and Gretel superpowers unbeknownst to anyone at school; this was apparently requested by the female aliens because she felt pity for Hiromi, with all her responsibilities being piled up on her and tiring her out, and appears to have absolutely nothing to do with training Hamster and Gretel for their battle against the Big Bad.

This superpower appears to link the stress ball to Hiromi's mentality: whenever Hiromi bottles up her frustrations, the rubber toy gradually grows into a repulsive monster with the single intent to maim and destroy anything that makes Hiromi upset, supposedly to free her of her stress, but ironically making everything worse. Incidentally, the toy will gradually shrink back to normal when Hiromi begins to unbottle her emotions and lets out her frustrations. After the events of "Stress Brawl", the stress ball has been flung away and taken in by the aliens via their U.F.O.

Physical appearance[]

The stress ball resembles as a cyan-colored creature that, ironically, is not ball-shaped, but rather oblong with a head that bears a smiling face and purple cheeks, a purple flower, and teal, funnel-shaped horns. The figure has two arms and no other limbs, but does wear a blue top with a heart and a purple bottom.

The stress ball is able to grow monstrous, easily towering human beings. The arms become tentacles, the eyes and flower gain stalks (with the eyes moving to the sides where the horns used to be, with the horns shifting lower), and the smile transforms into a large, scowling maw with large rubber fangs, in which the rubber creature can inhale other people that may stress out Hiromi.

List of appearances[]

Season 2[]
