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The U.F.O. is an extraterrestrial spacecraft that has made various significant appearances in Hamster & Gretel, being piloted by the two aliens responsible for granting Hamster and Gretel with their superpowers. Currently, the aliens have only been identified by the U.F.O. they're piloting, with their actual appearance and name being unknown thus far.

A nearly identical U.F.O. appears in the episode "U.F. UH-OH!"; however, this second U.F.O. is heavily implied to be a decoy or a test object, as its dashboard appears to be significantly different than the dashboard of the U.F.O. that the aliens normally use.

Physical appearance[]

The U.F.O. is a purple-gray, dome-shaped spacecraft with a blue glass dome on top, akin to a typical flying saucer, and as big as a house. It also features a navy-gray rim adorned with several cyan symbols, and cyan lines leading to the glass dome. The bottom features a circular hole emanating a red glow, from which the aliens can shoot a force field-esque light beam. This light beam has a light green color with spiraling lines, and is able to grant any target in its range any superpower of the aliens' choosing. A tractor beam, as used by the second U.F.O, also appears light green, however, and can also shoot red laser beams. Additionally, the second U.F.O. appears to have eight circular cyan lights around the hole on the bottom, which do not appear to be present on the first U.F.O.

The first U.F.O's dashboard features a couple of control sticks and buttons, appearing similar to that of an airplane cockpit. It is currently unknown what the rest of its interior looks like, but it might be similar to that of the second U.F.O, which appears to be mostly blue, gray and purple, and features many slide doors and panes of unbreakable glass, as well as office chairs. However, the second U.F.O. also features a significantly different dashboard, with a steering wheel akin to a car.

List of appearances[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Shorts and spinoffs[]


  • The U.F.O. is shown in some episodes ("Saturday Homecoming Fever", "Grounded") to have green symbols and emanate a green glow at the bottom. In "Exclamation Strikes Back - Part II", it's shown to emanate a pink glow, although it's also erroneously shown to be green at one point.
    • In "U.F. UH-OH! Part II", both U.F.Os appear to be shown identical from the outside - with both having eight cyan lights and the hole emanating a green light. This too might be an error, as the U.F.O. typically has never been seen with eight cyan lights on the bottom in any other episode.